Wombat lumbered down the stairs, humming quietly to himself, and decided to go check the letterbox. For some strange reason he had forgotten to check the mail the other day, so there must be something there by now. Walking to the front door Wombat noticed a strange object hanging from the window frame. At first he felt the familiar terror rising through his body like a deadly disease..... , but then he realised that it was too big to be an ant and his fear magically dissipated.
Wombat went outside to get a closer look. It was a strange dangly thing moving gently with the breeze. Wombat sniffed it. Seemed to be made out of twigs and leaves (almost good enough for a wombat to eat), but it had an 'other worldly' look and smell about it. Wombat padded inside, grabbed his camera and went back to take a photo of what must obviously be the beginning of an alien invasion. Didn't worry him. Aliens don't eat wombats..... do they?

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