Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dog Day Afternoon

Wombat hummed quietly to himself. .."" He looked at the clock and figured it must be time for the postie to call. Wombat lumbered up to the front door, undid the lock, undid the slide bolt, undid the security door, and walked out into the sunshine... He took a deep breath of fresh air.. He sniffed... took another breathe of air.. and sniffed again.. Something was not quite right. Wombat looked down at his garden. There, lying as calmly as you please, was a big lump of dog excrement! Wombat looked up and down the street... not a dog to be seen. Wombat looked down at his garden again.. The dog poo was still there.. He covered his eyes and stood there shaking his head. "Why?? Why me????"

Muttering quietly through clenched teeth, Wombat dragged himself back into his kitchen, grabbed a plastic bag, and dragged himself back outside to 'deal' with the poo. He deposited the full bag in the rubbish bin and planned his response. Wombat scratched his head, looked up at the ceiling, looked down at the floor and scratched his head again. (It takes awhile for Wombats to plan responses.) "Ah ha!!!" He had it! Wombat lumbered back to the kitchen again and grabbed a big container of pepper. He went back outside and liberally sprinkled pepper where the dog excrement had been. "Let's see you sniff that!!" he said to himself and swaggered back inside - completely forgetting to check the mailbox.

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