The sealer for him was when he tried to practise hill climbing. He didn't have any hills near him so Wombat decided to train on his stairs. He opened the front door... wheeled his bike down to the letter box... lined himself up with the staircase and took off. The bit up the path was OK.. he flew over the doorstep and across the landing. His dream of wearing the polka dot jersey was looking good... but then he hit the stairs... Wombats are strong - everyone knows that. Wombat could dig up a storm and his legs were bulging with powerful muscles, so Wombat knew he had the strength to get up the staircase. The problem was that his bike wasn't so keen....
He hit the first step and the bike stalled. Wombat went sailing over the handlebars, did a couple of somersaults mid air and came to a crashing halt at the top of the stairs. Did it count if you got to the top of the hill without your bike???

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